Workshop in Spain Materials Research Conference, June 08-10, 2020

  • Title: Smartelectrodes: Electrochemical approach to design and analyze multiscaled electrodes
  • By Henrikas Cesiulis, Lithuania

Electrochemical approach is an advanced method to elaborate new materials that can be adopted as versatile “smart” electrodes, which can bring significant assets in several important electrochemical applications such as catalysis/ electrocatalysis, sensoring, thermoelectrics. From this point of view, a variety of electrochemically obtained electrodes based on: i) chalcogenides and 
ii) iron group metals/alloys 
will be discussed (Fig. 1). 

In addition, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is widely used for characterization of electrochemical systems. The usefulness of EIS lies in the ability to distinguish the dielectric and electric properties of individual contributions of components under investigation.

The practical applications of EIS are targeting for the following film types: 
(i) metals/alloys films electrodeposition; 
(ii) mechanism of corrosion; 
(iii) anodization of metals and characterization of oxide films and its growth by EIS including information provided by Mott-Schottky plots; 
(iv) under potential deposition of metals; 
(v) characterization of organic films onto metals; (vi) application in development of biosensors and biofuel cells.

Interested to know more details about workshop, email to:

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